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floral perfume

when composing its floral perfumes, mugler harnesses the beauty of nature into the most subtle and delicate fragrance. the captivating sambac jasmine of alien eau de parfum, the super-natural rose of angel nova, without forgetting the sophisticated soliflores of les exceptions or the fresh floral scent illuminating mugler cologne, all these floral notes create rich, unique warm floral perfumes.

What is a floral fragrance?

A floral fragrance is a perfume that features notes of flower-inspired aromas. The best floral perfumes capture the true olfactory experience of smelling a freshly cut bouquet, elevating the floral scent of your favorite flowers to the next level by pairing them with complementary scents.

What are some popular floral scents and what do floral scents pair well with?

The floral scent family consists of a wide variety of bouquet-inspired scents, including some of our most coveted fragrance notes, including rose, jasmine, and iris. Floral aromas are some of the most used in perfumery, as they pair so well with other fragrances. If you're looking for a fresh scent, look for one that pairs floral aromas with citrus notes. Add a floral gourmand scent with fruit notes to your collection if it's a sweet scent you're after. If it's a seductive scent you're after, consider a scent that pairs floral notes with deep, woody aromas.

What season are floral perfumes?

Floral fragrances are more than just scents; they're a year-round celebration of nature's beauty. While you can indulge in a bouquet-inspired scent anytime, there's a special thrill in matching your fragrance to the season. Imagine the anticipation as you wait for your favorite flowers to bloom, knowing that their scent will soon be captured in a bottle. Many of the flowers that inspire our favorite scents are in season from May through the beginning of fall, making them perfect scents for spring and summer and a delightful reminder of the seasons even in the colder months.


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